florian berger


A lightweight step-based simulation module written in Python.


StepSim is a lightweight step-based simulation module written in Python. It can do simple real-time simulations of discrete systems. StepSim supports step-by-step simulation or can run until a break condition occurs.

Simulations are made up of containers and converters. A container stores a discrete amount of units of a certain type. A converter draws units from one or more containers and delivers the result to another container.

StepSim does not even attempt to do any parallel processing. It processes converters round-robin in a fixed order.


Python (tested on Python 3.1.2 and 2.6.5) http://www.python.org


Unzip the file, then at the command line run

python setup.py install

Running Tests

Open a shell / DOS window, navigate to the stepsim directory, and run

python -m doctest README


To read the API documentation, open a shell / DOS window, navigate to the stepsim directory, and run

pydoc stepsim

You can create a HTML version using

pydoc -w stepsim


First import the stepsim module:

>>> import stepsim

To get verbose output, activate logging to console:

>>> stepsim.log_to_stdout()
>>> stepsim.loglevel("debug")

Now create some containers:

>>> cashbox = stepsim.Container("cashbox", "EUR", 10)
>>> storage = stepsim.Container("storage", "parts")

Then create a converter and set up the draw-deliver-ratio:

>>> buyer = stepsim.Converter("buyer", 2, (cashbox, 3), (storage, 2))
buyer: Adding source 'cashbox', drawing 3 EUR per step.

From any list of converters, we can get a list of simulation milestones that lead to an end condition (without explicitly creating a simulation):

>>> stepsim.loglevel("info")
>>> stepsim.milestones("storage == 3", [buyer])
Milestones to achieve storage == 3:
6 EUR in cashbox (10 delivered, 166.67%)
total: 100.0%
3.0 parts in storage (0 delivered, 0.0%)
total: 0.0%
[<Milestone (cashbox: 6) 100.0%>, <Milestone (storage: 3.0) 0.0%>]

Let's create a simulation:

>>> stepsim.loglevel("debug")
>>> s = stepsim.Simulation(buyer)
Adding converter 'buyer' to simulation.
Current containers: ['cashbox', 'storage']
>>> s
<Simulation, converters: [<buyer: converting from ['cashbox'] to storage>], containers: [<cashbox: 10 EUR in stock>, <storage: 0 parts in stock>]>

The step() method is used to advance the simulation by one step:

>>> stepsim.loglevel("info")
>>> s.step()
buyer: Drawing 3 EUR from cashbox.

It is also possible to check conditions inbetween. The simulation instance offers a convenience method to do this using a string describing the condition:

>>> s.check("cashbox == 10")
>>> s.check("cashbox != 10")
>>> s.check("storage >= 0")

It is possible to evaluate how many steps it will take until a certain condition is met:

>>> stepsim.be_quiet()
>>> s.estimate_finish("storage == 2", 100)

Behind the scenes, this will run a copy of the simulation. A maximum step value will prevent hanging on impossible conditions:

>>> s.estimate_finish("cashbox < 1", 100)

When you remove a converter, its last step will be reverted. Note that this does not rewind the simulation step counter.

>>> stepsim.log_to_stdout()
>>> stepsim.loglevel("debug")
>>> s.step()
buyer: Conversion in progress, 2 steps left.
Active Container of buyer: None
>>> s.remove_converter("buyer")
reverting last draw from 'buyer'
buyer: returning 3 EUR to cashbox.
Removing converter 'buyer' from simulation.
Current containers: []

It is possible to limit the number of units that a converter will deliver.

>>> buyer.set_max_units(3)
buyer: setting max_units to 3

Note that this command will reset the counter of units delivered.

By stepping through the simulation, we can check when the converter stops.

>>> s.add_converter(buyer)
Adding converter 'buyer' to simulation.
Current containers: ['cashbox', 'storage']
>>> s.step()
buyer: Ready to draw resources
buyer: Drawing 3 EUR from cashbox.
cashbox has 7 EUR left now.
buyer: Setting processing countdown to 2 steps
Active Container of buyer: <cashbox: 7 EUR in stock>
>>> s.step()
buyer: Conversion in progress, 2 steps left.
Active Container of buyer: None
>>> s.step()
buyer: Conversion in progress, 1 steps left.
Active Container of buyer: None
>>> s.step()
buyer: Delivering 2 parts to storage.
storage stock is 2 parts now.
buyer has delivered 2 units since last reset.
Active Container of buyer: <storage: 2 parts in stock>
>>> s.step()
buyer: delivered 2 units and would deliver 2 next step, max units is 3, no action.
>>> s.step()
buyer: delivered 2 units and would deliver 2 next step, max units is 3, no action.

With the maximum number of units set to -1, the converter will deliver an unlimited number. This is the default.

>>> buyer.set_max_units(-1)
buyer: setting max_units to -1

It is possible to temporarily change the speed of the converter by giving the temporary steps value and a duration. This method will return True if the change was successful:

>>> buyer.set_temporary_steps(4, 4)
buyer: setting steps = 4 for 4 steps
buyer: setting remaining countdown to -1
>>> s.step()
buyer: Ready to draw resources
buyer: Drawing 3 EUR from cashbox.
cashbox has 4 EUR left now.
buyer: Setting processing countdown to 4 steps
Active Container of buyer: <cashbox: 4 EUR in stock>
>>> s.step()
buyer: Conversion in progress, 4 steps left.
Active Container of buyer: None
>>> s.step()
buyer: Conversion in progress, 3 steps left.
Active Container of buyer: None
>>> s.step()
buyer: Conversion in progress, 2 steps left.
Active Container of buyer: None
>>> s.step()
buyer: Conversion in progress, 1 steps left.
Active Container of buyer: None
>>> s.step()
buyer: Delivering 2 parts to storage.
storage stock is 4 parts now.
restoring buyer.steps to 2
buyer has delivered 2 units since last reset.
Active Container of buyer: <storage: 4 parts in stock>

We can run the simulation from the current state until an end condition is satisfied. In this case we let it run until the buyer can not buy any more parts:

>>> s.run(lambda: not buyer.last_step_successful)
Starting simulation.
--- Step 15: -----------------------------------------------
buyer: Ready to draw resources
buyer: Drawing 3 EUR from cashbox.
cashbox has 1 EUR left now.
buyer: Setting processing countdown to 2 steps
Active Container of buyer: <cashbox: 1 EUR in stock>
--- Step 16: -----------------------------------------------
buyer: Conversion in progress, 2 steps left.
Active Container of buyer: None
--- Step 17: -----------------------------------------------
buyer: Conversion in progress, 1 steps left.
Active Container of buyer: None
--- Step 18: -----------------------------------------------
buyer: Delivering 2 parts to storage.
storage stock is 6 parts now.
buyer has delivered 4 units since last reset.
Active Container of buyer: <storage: 6 parts in stock>
--- Step 19: -----------------------------------------------
buyer: Ready to draw resources
buyer: Cannot draw 3 EUR from cashbox, only 1 left.
Active Container of buyer: None
--- Break condition met, simulation finished. ---------------
Final state after 19 steps:
<cashbox: 1 EUR in stock>
<storage: 6 parts in stock>

You can export the simulation graph in the DOT graph language (see http://www.graphviz.org/):

>>> s.save_dot("part_buyer.dot")
Writing DOT file.
digraph {
    graph [size=5] ;
    node [fontsize=10, fontname="Bitstream Vera Sans"] ;
    "cashbox" [shape=box];
    "cashbox" -> "buyer" ;
    "storage" [shape=box];
    "buyer" -> "storage" ;

Clean up:

>>> import os
>>> os.remove("part_buyer.dot")

The file 'making_cakes.py' shows a more elaborate example. It is included in the ZIP archive and will be installed in 'share/doc/stepsim/examples'.

Latest Release

15 June 2013



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